Photo of Claudio Drë Spain

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Claudio Dre was born the day Thursday October 22, 1981 in the city of Concepción (Chile).
When drawing small but it has more memories of it, if not rather of a teenager, and that at age 14 took a can of spray paint and began to scratch the name of your favorite football team on the streets of their city.
After 2 years begins to bond with the \"graffiti\" by making dozens of sketches on notebook paper, mainly...

Exhibitions carried out

  • 2018, "CaosControl_ A2” Espacio Corretger 5, El Borne, Barcelona
  • 2018, "Isometric" en Centro cultural The Collective, Barcelona
  • 2016, “Todo Está en Movimiento” en Galería Lira, Santiago de Chile
  • 2016, "Isometric" en Centro cultural The Collective, Barcelona
  • 2015, “Todo Está en Movimiento” en Galería Apolo 77, Valparaíso, Chile
  • 2013, “Asuntos del Agua” en Instituto Chileno Norteamericano de Cultura. Concepción, Chile
  • 2013, “Petit Format” en Maison du Chili. París, Francia
  • 2013, “Geometry of Chance” en Mirus Gallery. San Francisco, EEUU.
  • 2013, “Sin los Pies Sobre la Tierra” en Sala Municipal de Exposiciones de Renca. Chile

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  • If when you receive the picture does not convince you, we will pick it up for free and we will refund your money
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  • Payments are made online, through Artelista's secure system. Click on the "Add to cart" button and select the payment method you prefer.
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See everything we offer you!
28.74 x 24.41 in
25.59 x 31.50 in
15.75 x 11.81 in
31.50 x 25.59 in
33.86 x 25.98 in
33.86 x 25.98 in
47.24 x 47.24 in
39.37 x 33.86 in
33.46 x 26.38 in
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Photo of Claudio Drë Spain

Claudio Dre was born the day Thursday October 22, 1981 in the city of Concepción (Chile).
When drawing small but it has more memories of it, if not rather of a teenager, and that at age 14 took a can of spray paint and began to scratch the name of your favorite football team on the streets of their city.
After 2 years begins to bond with the \"graffiti\" by making dozens of sketches on notebook paper, mainly drawings and / or linked to this art typefaces urban. Following this in 1998, a fine arts teacher sees the outlines of Claudius and provides financial support to paint his first graffiti q outside the Liceo Enrique Molina de Concepcion. From this event history began to take shape, becoming a mandatory reference when talking about Graffiti Art in Concepcion.
But from 2000, when Dre began to make important works, leaving no one indifferent as they were located in the street and once had a large compositional value, aesthetic and conceptual.
In 2002, parallel to activity \"graffiti\", begins to experiment with table format, which allows your time in another type of plastic issues, taking the brushes for the first time in the summer of that year. After a couple of months Dre and handled quite desteza its new tools and thus produce more and better pictures which gave away or sold among his acquaintances.
In 2003, at 21 years, Dre is going to live alone in a town near where he holds Conception to work day and night in the production of his new tables and also in the schedules of their upcoming works of Graffiti Art, pasteriormente to throw all this work to the street and his paintings at a group show with his group of graffiti artists AHS (ahorasi). In the summer of 2004 pooled sample is performed in which the graffiti artists showed their softer side with canvas painting without leaving behind, that if your primary weapon \"spray.\"
In April of that same year Claudio Dre makes entering his third race, go to art school at the University of Concepción, since he had once gone through the professional institute DuocUC races left unfinished industrial design and graphic production. Just a year and a half to be reached in Fine Arts and who retired to consider a waste of time to be ahy, even more so in 2005 was dedicated 100% to paint his masterpiece \"The Wall prat\", called after its Avenue location in the city\'s busiest, were 6 months of work and 88 meters long, almost an entire block to discuss their dissatisfaction with the prevailing system.
After that go to study graphic design in March 2006 which concluded in 2008 to well into the summer of 2009 from Buenos Aires to study at the National Institute of Fine Arts of Argentina.

Claudio Dre was born the day Thursday October 22, 1981 in the city of Concepción (Chile).

When drawing small but it has more memories of it, if not rather of a teenager, and that at age 14 took a can of spray paint and began to scratch the name of your favorite football team on the streets of city.

After 2 years begins to bond with the \"graffiti\" by making dozens of sketches on notebook paper, mainly drawings and / or typefaces linked to this urban art. Following this in 1998, a fine arts teacher sees the outlines of Claudius and provides financial support to paint his first graffiti q outside the Liceo Enrique Molina de Concepcion. From this event history began to take shape, becoming a mandatory reference when talking about Graffiti Art in Concepcion.

But from 2000, when Dre began to make important works, leaving no one indifferent as they were located in the street and once had a large compositional value, aesthetic and conceptual.

In 2002 parallel to his activity \"graffiti\", begins to experiment with the format box, which allows your time in another type of plastic issues, taking the brushes for the first time in the summer of that year. After a couple of months Dre and handled quite desteza its new tools and thus produce more and better pictures which gave away or sold among his acquaintances.

In 2003, at 21 years, Dre is going to live alone in a town near where he holds Conception to work day and night in the production of his new tables and also in the schedules of their next works of art Graffiti pasteriormente to throw all this work to the street and his paintings at a group show with his group of graffiti AHS (ahorasi). In the summer of 2004 pooled sample is performed in which the graffiti artists showed their softer side with easel painting while back, so yes, its main weapon, \"the spray. \"

In April of that same year Claudio Dre makes entering his third race, go to art school at the University of Concepción, since he had once gone through the professional institute DuocUC races left unfinished industrial design and graphic production. Just a year and a half to be reached in Fine Arts and who retired to consider a waste of time to be ahy, even more so in 2005 was dedicated 100% to paint his masterpiece \"The Wall prat\", called for its location on the busiest street of the city, were 6 months of work and 88 meters long, almost an entire block to discuss their dissatisfaction with the prevailing system.

After that go to study graphic design in March 2006 which concluded in 2008 to well From summer 2009 to Buenos Aires to study at the National Institute of Fine Arts Argentina.

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